Wednesday 14 March 2012

Meeting new people!

On average it is estimated we see around about 67 people on a weekend and about 900 on a weekday!
We of course don’t speak to all these people but some we will let into our lives. Some will become your best friends, and as I’m sure everyone has experienced at one time of another… some you will wish you never met!
Today I met editor of Company magazine Victoria White, she was amazing. It was just fascinating to meet someone like her and find out how she got to where she is. I’m a big believer in learning from others mistakes and also learning from their successes, so talking to people as successful as she is, is always an inspiration. 
Another thing I’ve found about successful people is, they didn’t get to where they are without some pit falls. Take Simon Cowell for instance, he went bankrupt before he clawed it all back (and more). In comedian Michael Macintyre’s book he talks all about his down falls, and says how it would of just been boring to write about just his successes. 
The thing I learn most about people who inspire me is the amazing climb they took to get there. So if your struggling right now, or find you don’t seem to be getting there KEEP GOING! 
The climb up may seem impossible, but the view from the top will always be worth it. 

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