Thursday 15 March 2012

The early bird catches the worm

I know its a weird thing to like, but I really enjoy early mornings.
It is true that you get lots done if you wake up early, which then makes you feel better and more prepared all day!
Here are my top three reasons to wake up early!

You get more done! I think its the most important because you feel like you've achieved more in one day.

Breakfast! I don't like to rush my breakfast, and getting up early means you can sit down and really enjoy it. This is not only good for how you feel but also great for your body. Your digestive system wont be struggling to digest and you'll feel fuller for longer. Result!

You can switch off earlier! Or have more time to get ready to go out! When every things done its so much easier to just switch off, curl up on the sofa with Ben and Jerry's (they come up a lot in my posts) and just relax. Or alternatively you get a lot more time to do your hair, then dislike it and do it again!

So there they are my top three reasons to wake up early! Im sure you have your own but its definitely something you should try and get into the habit of!
So enjoy your early starts, unless you've been out the night before!

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