Wednesday 29 February 2012


Ok there has been a long pause since my last blog. Id like to say its because i've been busy busy and I have, but a little bit may of been laziness :-S
However in my recently BUSY weeks, (i'm still going with the busy excuse) i've been skiing! Which I can say was amazing!
It's something which i've never done before, but since I stopped figure skating and got a little chunky (mainly because of my friends Ben and Jerry's) I thought it would be nice to try something new. I went with my other half who already can ski quite well. So it was ether going to turn out great in some symbiotic skiing adventure, or it was going to end up with my stick thingy in him as I got sick of being told what to do. I can report we both survived the experience. With the only injury being on me when I fell off the stupid rope lift then got stuck underneath it. I can also say that while I was being continuously rope burned the other half did nothing but laugh, if only I could of reached him with that stick!
So the experience on a whole was great and i'm planning to join a snow group to get a bit more experience in it. Maybe even shake some weight!
So I am all for skiing, and definitely think its something everyone should try because it is a real laugh, and great exercise at the same time.

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