Wednesday 15 February 2012

The big V day

Ok, when I searched for blog inspiration... I found a lot of moans. Don't get me wrong yes to sharing opinions, but why not some good news? So here is my happy blog; Helen Hearts :-D A blog devoted to the silver lining. 
So the big Valentines day has been on peoples minds. No not everyone loves this day, but lets face it you can't stop it coming. Through chatting about it though i've realized hardly any know where the day actually came from, (including me). So I thought best to find out. 
There are a few versions of its origin, but I like this one best :-). Much like a fairy tale it started long ago (cheesy), in Roam at the time when Emperor Claudius II ruled. Claudius however had the problem that he couldn't get men to join his army, which he blamed on them not wanting to leave their families. To fix his little dilemma he forbid all weddings and engagements in Roam. However (hero of the story) romantic at heart Priest Valentine defied Claudius and continued in secret to marry couples. Once found, he was brutally beaten and put to death on  February 14th. After his death he was named a Saint, and that is why we celebrate St.Valentines day. 
So whether your spending the night at a candle lit table, or on the sofa with every ones two best friends Ben and Jerry's, have a thought for St.Valentine who died for love. 

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